---> AARS ---> ACRS 1997 ---> Geology

Investigation of Dynamics The Density of Horizontal Cut of Relief By Gartographic-Space Methods (On The Pattern of Key Site of Ajinour)

Nabiyev A. A., Mekhbaliyev M. M., Mikailova H. H.
Geographical Faculty, Baku State University
370148 Baku, Z. Khalilov street, 23, Azeerbaijan

For research of dynamics the density of horizontal cuts of relief is used the different times maps and space photos.

Character and speed of different times maps and space photos. The character and speed of dynamics of objects and phenomena, mainly is determined by the help of comparison of different times sources. It is t be noted that compared materials must have units of near scale, have common scientific principle of compiling, common detailness, one system, the same language, etc.

In research of dynamics the old and modern maps differ on accuracy, scale and principle of drawing up. In the case, according to the expression of A. B. Gedimyn it is necessary to make "the transfer from old cartographic language into the present one".

The density of horizontal dissection of relief created by ravines, balkas, rivers, waterless valleys, talwags, etc. In studied territory it is mainly created by ravine-balka net.

Research methods are results
They dynamics of density of horizontal cut of relief has been studied by us on the example of a key site of Adjinour with the area 448 km2. The topographical maps dated from 1933, 1934, 1943, 1961, 1972 and space photoplans concerned to 1980 and 1989 on a scale 1: 200 000 were used for researches. The scale research it is brought in scale 1:200 000.

The key site of Adjinour is in a dry subtropical belt in the zone of the transition from the area of Kur depression to the area of the Major Caucasus.

In mountainous territories there are distributed the Territary rock, and around the lake of Adjinour, and along the riverside of Eyrichai Quaternary system. The sait soils predominate around the lake of Adjinour, and in Adjinour nd Saryjin Steppes-clayey, along the riverside of Eyrichai-cleyey and loamy, and on Dashuz range-broken-stone-loamy formation.

The soil cover of the key site is diverse, about ten types of soils are met there. Here and there are seen the appearance of saltbering cleayey rocks. The mountain soils premominate, which are distributed on the Deshuz range. They grey soils are developed in the Adjinour steppe alluvial soils predominate on the north part of the river Eyrichai.

The vegetation cover is not so rich and is presented by meadow steppe and semi steppe plants.

The amount of precipitations is 380 mm. The intensive rains fall from time to time.

The relief of the key site is wavy. On the south around the lake of Adjinour is situated. The mountainous massive with the height of 673 m (not far from the village Churga stretches the Sarychin steppe is situated. The mountain Dashuz with maximum altitude of 648 m (Eyritepe) is located between these steppe and r. Eyrichai. The north border of the key site runs on the river Eyrichai. As a whole of the key site is prevailed the corners of an inclination and 6 slopes of southern exposition. For detailed investigation of the dynamics of horizontal dissection of relief it is necessary to use the remote, mathematic-statistic methods, digital information, means of automatization and computer technics..

With the aim of research of dynamics of density of horizontal dissection of relief we compile the map of density of horizontal dissection of relief on a way of square (P = 16 km2, areas) in isolines, carried out through 0.2 km2.

The indication of density of horizontal dissection of relief is calculated on the formulas:

K = L/P

Where "K" is the indication of horizontal dissection of relief, "L"-total length of erosion forms of relief within the square, "P" - area of square.

Let us consider the conditions of horizontal dissection of relief and their dynamics according to separate years.

At the studied territory maximum value of density of horizontal dissection of relief consisted of 0.9 km/km2. The lake of Adjinour did not existed then. Approximately in ¾ territories the size of density of horizontal dissection of relief was equal to zero. The horizontal dissection was observed only in the northern part or the key site (on the Dasuz range and along the river Eyrichai). At the foothills of the Dashuz range passes the isoline with value 0.2 km/km2.

In the 1961 the maximum value of density of horizontal dissection of relief consisted of 1.2 km/km2, that 1.3 times more than in 1943. Three areas with high dissection are distributed of the key site. The indices of density of horizontal dissection of relief in these areas consist of 1.2; 1.05; 0.95 km/km2 correspondingly. On all squares the size of density of horizontal dissection of relief is more than it was in 1943. In thesteppes of Adjinour and Saryja the size of density of horizontal dissection of relief is more than it was in 1943. In thesteppes of Adjinour and saryja the size of density of horizontal dissection is equal to zero. In 1961 within the limits of key site the area of Adjinour lake consisted of 7.52 km2. The area of territory will zero value of density of horizontal dissection of relief makes approximately 20 km2. Visual analysis of compiled maps shows that the vavinebalka net develops from foothill to watershed and plain.

In 1972 the area of territory with zero value of density of horizontal dissection of relief became little bit less. In comparison with 1961 the size of density of horizontal dissection of relief has not changed strongly. The general form of isolines are the same in both maps.

The maximum value of density of horizontal dissection of relief makes 1.25 km/km2, which is observed in urichishe of the Kara -kul.

For researches of dynamics of horizontal dissection of relief the comparison of different times topographic maps and space photoplanes gives unsuccessful result, because in compiling of topographic map the small elements of density of horizontal dissection of relief are generated, but in space surrey there takes place only the optic generalization, at the result of which the photoplan has richer material about the locality. Besides, the key site is forestless, during the survey the snow cover is absent therefore even very small erosion forms are interpreted, which are absent on the same scale topographic map.

The maximum value of density of horizontal of relief in the key site of Adjinour in 1980 (according to photoplan(is 2.45 km/km2 in the western part of the Dashuz range), but the minimal -- equal to zero (around the Adjinour lake). Two regions will high horizontal dissection of relief (2.45 and 2.08 km/km2) are distinguished in the key site.

Both regions are registered in the watershed zone. And on the map of density of horizontal dissection of relief according to space photoplan concerned to 1989 the maximum value of density of horizontal dissection of relief is 2.68 km/km2. To north (rr. Eyrichai) and south (Adjinour lake) the value of density of horizontal dissection of relief decreases. In the western part of the Adjinour steppe the maximum value of density of horizontal dissection in 1980 and 1989 makes 0.5 km/km2, but around the Adjinour lake the horizontal dissection is absent at places.

On the map of density of horizontal dissection dating from 1980 the isolines with values 1.0 km/km2 cross the river Eyrichai on the map of 1989 the isolines with value 1.0 km/km2 pass on the left side, parallel to the river Eyrichai.

The comparative analysis of compiled maps shows that on all the map a great value of dynamics of density of horizontal dissection of relief is observed in watershed zone, explaining the increasing development of ravine-balka net on the direstion to watershed zone, there are spreaded mainly rock-debris-loamy grounds, rocks not erosion protected; mountain chestnut soils predominate and the vegetable cover is very poor there.

The change of density of horizontal dissection of relief around the Adjinour lake runs very slow, as to us, it is because of plane relief.

On the basis of existed different tomes maps is created the bank data (B.D.), i.e. storage of space-coordination, presented in digital form on personal computer IBM PC 586, is compiled the map of dynamics and average annual speed of dynamics of density of horizontal dissection of relief by the help of ASK-1, including the digitizers, and graph plotters.

The carried out scientific-research work allows to make the following connections.
  1. As a whole, the continuous increase of density of horizontal dissection of relief takes place in the key site of Adjinour. Averagely during 1943, 1961, 1972, 1980, 1989 it is 0.16; 0.54; 0.61; 0.96; 1.12; km/km accordingly.
  2. Awerage annual speed the increase of density of horizontal dissection of relief from 1933 on 1943 is 0.46 km/km2, from 1943 on 1961 and from 1980 on 1989- 0.20 km/km2, from 1961 on 1972-0.006 km/km2.
  3. Regional with maximum values of density, dynamics and average annual speed of horizontal dissection of relief are observed in watershed zone.
  4. According to dynamics three regions may be distinguished in the key site: a) relatively stable site- around the lake Adinour; b) slovely changing site mountain slope and shoves of the river Eyrichai; c) rapidly changing site-watershed zone.
The negative value of ravine erosion for agricultural forms is generally known. With the purposes of prevention of dynamics of horizontal dissection of relief (partially ravine-balka), it is recommended to determine the norm of graze of cattle and firm the soil), ground by the help of sowing of many years beguminous and cereal plants.

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